
Saturday, September 19, 2009
New Siblings @ 08:26

Mum just gave us a new family-member a few hours ago.

Picked up at the junction of the road--where they were playing heavily earlier in the cold dawn--when she was coming back from a market; they're a bit like twin, but no--they were a mere siblings and, it's a pity, HECK. It's not a calico *three-colored-fur* T________T It's just me desired for both a kitten and a calico for years (which obviously WILL NEVER be granted in spite of HIS existence, BAH. You know who 'HE' was; it's my blasted dad whom I don't really notice whether actually he hates cat or EVEN, afraid or somewhat cautious. LOL. Actually, it's quite hilarious if then clearly revealed that the 2nd hunch is the correct assumption, LMFAO. How could he--as a garrulous and a monstrous creature--detest those amazingly cute kittens anyway??), but yeah, having only the first choice isn't that bad, gradually.

Named him Milo, and he's mine ;D His fur is dominant in black; his tail is longer, and PLEASE. Ignore the picture I've took at all. You'll presume that he's quite much favorable and energetic, but hey, he's a shy one.

Named Matyr (my brother's and.. he's suck at naming anything. It's odd >:( I bet it's from such an online game he's addicted to). Dominant in white, he has some freckles near his eyes AND, he's the real whore (means agile or lively, not literally whore XD).

*awwww~ <3

Need to go, looks like they want to have some meal cause they started to act wildly, haha. PARTY OF FIVE RULES!! WEHEEGE =))

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