Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Such cowardice. @ 07:53
Dear friend,
There was one time where I got spat at by a lecturer during student orientation for being ill-mannered. There was this one time too where I got reprimanded by a senior during a
laboratory research presentation for never greeting him properly whenever we
happened to stumble across each other, and although I am still bewildered by
the necessity to say “Hi!” every time we encounter someone and the position I
was put in—where all seniors would start throwing metaphorical bricks at you
and accuse you of so-called unfit deeds regardless of how trivial it was, I
believe I did smile at him, which I assumed was more than enough for when
meeting people I usually just give a quick glance or slight nod to acknowledge
their presence. There were also another occasions in which my mother and friend’s exasperated
remarks were incorporated, mostly noting my ignorance and discourtesy 'though I'm sure what I did was circumstantial. I wish dealing with
people is simpler.
Labels: chat, Random
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Such cowardice. @ 07:53
Dear friend,
There was one time where I got spat at by a lecturer during student orientation for being ill-mannered. There was this one time too where I got reprimanded by a senior during a
laboratory research presentation for never greeting him properly whenever we
happened to stumble across each other, and although I am still bewildered by
the necessity to say “Hi!” every time we encounter someone and the position I
was put in—where all seniors would start throwing metaphorical bricks at you
and accuse you of so-called unfit deeds regardless of how trivial it was, I
believe I did smile at him, which I assumed was more than enough for when
meeting people I usually just give a quick glance or slight nod to acknowledge
their presence. There were also another occasions in which my mother and friend’s exasperated
remarks were incorporated, mostly noting my ignorance and discourtesy 'though I'm sure what I did was circumstantial. I wish dealing with
people is simpler.
Labels: chat, Random
i my me mine.
you think you know me yeah?
April 5th, 1992. ISTP. Engineering student, batch 2009.
Likes sweets, cats, good readings, interesting people, prominent basslines, Christopher Nolan, Martin Scorsese and Stanley Kubrick's movies. DC-type individual. Constantly rants, sulks and rambles about random things. A fan of Urasawa Naoki. Easily gets bored. A weirdo. Longs to reside in either Canada or Australia. Has an indescribable fondness towards... Byung-hee, Mon Jae Shin, do they hit the hint I'm referring to? I mean,
similarities between those two?
And music. I don't even know where to start. I don't want to be one of those bellends who's all like, "MAN MUSIC IS WHAT I LIVE FOR I'M GONNA DIE WITHOUT IT", but I come close. Suffice to say that music plays a large part in my life. My library pretty much caters my current listening habit (and, if any, rotation) - I'm basically a shameless sucker for instrumental, post/prog-rock, folk, ambient, experimental and avant-garde; anything that intrigues my musical deity.
Lastly, to name a trait, paradoxical describes me best.