
Friday, October 09, 2009
Err.. @ 06:09

I seriously AM considering to change my chatbox from cbox onto the shoutmix version one. The EXACT reason is.. DUH; CBOX WAS TOTALLY and helplessly pathetic in posting some messages and it worked like it IS going to flood my blog with a BUNCH of unwanted spam, DON'T KNOW WHY, BUT THOSE KINDA SHITTY OBVIOUSLY ARE ANNOYINGLY DISGUSTING AND THOSE PEOPLE WHO'VE TRIED SO HARD IN FILLED IN THE CBOX AND KEPT PUSHING THAT 'GO' BUTTON--oh, GOD, just push that ONCE, PLEASE! Just go to the blog subboard first and then BACK to the info sub AND TADAA! You'll figured out that your message was already there!--WITHOUT EXACTLY KNOWING WHAT THE RESULT WAS GOING TO BE LIKE IS ANNOYINGLY THE SAME. And, OH. Again, don't know why. I really thought that shoutmix WILL DO much better, AT ALL.
