
Sunday, May 16, 2010
the most homophobic is the realest gay @ 18:16

..then again, and Indonesian Thomas Cup team was pretty much impressive--particularly the brilliant, yet mildly made trivial mistakes in netting and smashing duo Markis Kido - Hendra Setiawan and the great solo player Simon Santoso; but it was once again proved that China was still dominating the scenes by gaining a big triumph of 3 - 0 in a row, of which making their team won the trophy and consolidating their pole as a defending champion for years. Taufik Hidayat sucked the balls hard and Fu Hai Feng oftentimes being a weaker point hence his vulnerability was easily fucked and forced to the rubber game, in addition, though Lin Dan's performance even after more than 7 years was still epic as hell, hands down.

Off topic, by the way. Thank you so much, L'eprica, for your MISSA has just been restoring my faith that there still is vk that doesn't sound like dying rhinoceros grunting over generic guitar riffs after my disappointment towards ScReW's CURSED HURRICANE. You guys really rock the socks off.

And oh, I've been buying a new phone and am currently taking a marathon of 16 movies right now.
